Day 15 – Poblacion to Caldadilla de de la Cueza

Day 15 – Poblacion to Caldadilla de de la Cueza

May 28, 2015

Okay Ladies, I have a new diet for you. Eat as much bread, chocolate, and stinky cheese as you want. Drink copious amounts of wine. And still lose weight.

You just have to walk 30 – 35 km in the searing Spanish heat every day.

We all enjoyed the dinner made by The Flying Dutchman as you can see by the picture. It started out to be only three of us, but the number grew. We almost invited the little old Spanish lady that wandered into the yard looking for cigarettes in her slippers but I gave her a chocolate bar and she seemed satisfied with that. I hope she is not diabetic.


It was a hard long HOT walk along this Roman road today that is over 2000 years old. I can see now why Rome fell because they all died of boredom from walking in a straight line through monotonous scenery.

Towards the end I was offering to knee cap the pilgrims in front of us just to get a premium spot at the albergue such that I earned the nickname “Nasty witch beasty pilgrim” from the Flying Dutchman. His command of English continues to impress me.

Learned an important piece of info today if you are looking to pay tribute to a lost loved one here on the Camino. Watch the wind if you are spreading ashes. I have a friend here who learned this the hard way and ended up with his loved one all over his coat.


The Pyrenees – always looming to the north