Day 16 -Caldadilla de la Cueza to Sahagun

Day 16 -Caldadilla de la Cueza to Sahagun

May 29, 2015

A lot of you are asking how I am fairing with now over 400 km under my feet. The truth is I feel great. And I include a picture of my feet to prove it. I have had one microscopic blister and the pain in my back and neck disappeared after my first couple of days. Really the hardest part of this Camino business has been missing my family and friends. Well, hardest next to that time I had to poop behind a bush.

Ermita Virgen del Puente

I keep trying to remind myself that all this will lead to some kind of enlightenment like you hear about in the books and movies, but what if I reach Santiago and it turns out to be like The Emperor’s New Clothes? Everyone just claiming to have had a life changing experience and I stand there feeling nothing and seeing only the naked truth.



Ruins of Monasterio de San Facundo

I was warned about this second part of the Camino being a challenge to the mind, while the first part was a challenge to the body. Perhaps my mind is trying to trip me up now that my my feet and legs walk steady and strong. Aiming to take me off course for that third and final part of the Camino where the challenge will be aimed at my soul. I hope it fairs as well as my feet.


Courtyard off my room at Monasterio de Santa Cruz (Madres Benedictinas)

We walked a short day today of 22 km. Arrived at noon and will have time to sightsee here in Sahagun. I am staying with the nuns (Madres Benedicinas) and will have what will be my third pilgrim blessing tonight before dinner. My last blessing was after Versperas a day out of Burgos where half a dozen little Spanish nuns hugged and kissed me and gave me a medallion of Mary.

I’m still wearing it.


Mary Magdalene showing her age at a church dedicated to her in Poblacion