Month: July 2018

Interview with Elle Wild

ELLE WILD grew up in a dark, rambling farmhouse in the wilds of Canada where there was nothing to do but read Edgar Allan Poe and watch PBS mysteries. Elle Wild’s debut novel, Strange Things Done, is a double Arthur Ellis Award Winner. In 2017, she won “Best First Novel”, presented by Kobo, and in 2015 won the Arthur…

By C.S. O'Cinneide July 16, 2018 Off

Phantom of Heilbronn

The Phantom of Heilbronn, also known as “The Woman without a Face,” stumped German law enforcement from 1993 until 2009.  Her DNA was found at multiple crime scenes ranging from murder to petty theft in both France and Austria, as well as Germany. Her list of accomplices included everyone from Slovaks to Serbs, Albanians to…

By C.S. O'Cinneide July 9, 2018 Off